PIT PRO (Label) is for use in manure pits / lagoons to increase pump-ability and reduce solids for a more uniform pump-out and distribution of your manure.
How to use it:
Apply 50% of recommended rate when pit is 25-35% full, then apply 25% of recommended rate when pit is 50% full, and apply remaining 25% of recommended rate 30 days prior to pump-out.
For maximum performance distribute product equally through pit pump outs.
Rate Calculations
*Rate Assumptions: PitPro / 100K Gal of Manure
Low Rate |
2 Gal of Pit Pro |
1.5 Gal of Pit Pro |
High Rate | 4 Gal of Pit Pro | 3 Gal of Pit Pro |
Expected benefits at low end of recommended rate:
- Keeps solids from building up at bottom of pit.
- Dislodging of solid buildup at bottom of pit < 12".
- Increase your agitation efficiency.
- Increase uniformity and distribution of manure during pump-out.
Expected benefits at high end of recommended rate:
- All benefits listed above.
- Dislodging of >12" of solids annually at bottom of pit.